Download OmniMIDI 14 for Windows 7, 8, 10, 11 - A software MIDI synthesizer for professional use, it reboot of the original BASSMIDI Driver by Kode54, with more features
OmniMIDI (Formerly known as Keppy’s Synthesizer) is a MIDI driver for professional use. It is a fork of the original BASSMIDI Driver by Kode54.
Features of OmniMIDI:
- Support for multiple audio APIs. (DirectX Audio, WASAPI and ASIO)
- Distributes the workload of the MIDI events parser and audio renderer on multiple threads, to ensure speed and responsiveness on the worst case scenarios.
- Clean and easy-to-use UI. No gimmicks that might distract the user from their objective.
- Constant updates, to keep the driver fresh and always up-to-date to users requests.
Keppy’s MIDI Converter:
- It’s FREE, unlike most other converters.
- Clean and easy-to-use UI. No gimmicks that might distract the user from their objective. Just like OmniMIDI!
- Ships with LoudMax, which prevents the audio from clipping.
- Support for VST instruments.
Windows Multimedia Wrapper
- A replacement for WINMM, which allows non-KDMAPI applications to make use of the API.
- KDMAPI will only work with OmniMIDI.