Carroll 1.27 Set individual screen resolution for every user

Carroll 1.27

  • Evaluate:
    41 Rated
  • Operating system:
    Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • Language: English
  • Version: 1.27
  • Latest updated:
  • License: Freeware
  • Publisher: the sz development
  • File size: 0.7 Mb
  • Download: 1122

Download Carroll for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 - Enables each user to set his own screen resolution, which will automatically be applied at logon, without changing the system wide screen settings


Carroll enables each user to set his own screen resolution, which will automatically be applied at logon, without changing the system wide screen settings. Although Windows allows for multiple user accounts, they all share the same screen resolution.

At first start, Carroll shows all available screen resolutions. Select the desired screen resolution and click ‘Change screen resolution and restore with every logon’.

Next time, Carroll changes the screen resolution automatically without displaying the user interface.

Command line options:

/OnlySet set the video mode only, don’t show the user interface

/OnlyMonitor <0> change only the specified monitor

/Resolution "x " example /Resolution "1024x768 32 60"

/NoTerminalSession application exits after setting the resolution, don’t keep it running to handle user switching

/Recommended use highest resolution

/UseStoredResolutionIfPossible try to use first the stored resolution, if not available use /Resolution option

/Position " " set monitor position, to change primary monitor, set the secondary monitor to position not 0x0

/IsPrimary set this monitor as primary monitor

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