Download Device Cleanup Cmd for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 - The command-line version of Device Cleanup Tool meant for helping remove leftover traces of nonpresent devices
Device Cleanup Cmd is the command-line version of Device Cleanup Tool meant for helping remove leftover traces of nonpresent devices. Every time you attach a device to your machine, it will leave an entry within Windows device management. You have the option to remove those entries directly through the Windows device manager, but when you have numerous entries, this can take some time. Device Cleanup Cmd permits you to select multiple devices or even all of them at once, just like in the GUI version of this program but via the command-line instead.
DeviceCleanupCmd pattern1 [pattern2] [patternN] [-e:excludepattern1][-t][-s][-m:age][-n]
-e:excludepattern pattern not to remove
-t test only
-s skip creation of a system restore point
-m:age minimum 'age' (last use of the device must be at least that old)
-n no wait when finished
Patterns are device IDs, device classes, or friendly names. Wildcards can be used.