Krita Studio 5.1.3 Free painting software

Krita Studio 5.1.3

  • Evaluate:
    51 Rated
  • Operating system:
    Windows Windows, MacOS, Linux
  • Language: Multilingual
  • Version: 5.1.3
  • Latest updated:
  • License: Freeware
  • Publisher: Krita
  • File size: 127 Mb
  • Download: 708

Download Krita Studio 5 for Windows Windows, MacOS, Linux - Open source digital painting tool designed for designers, illustrators, texture artists and painters

Krita Studio

Krita Studio is a FREE and open source digital painting tool designed for designers, illustrators, texture artists and matte painters as well as for the VFX (Picture Effects) field. . Krita has been in development for over ten years and has recently experienced a growth blast. It offers many popular and innovative features to help both amateurs and professionals alike.

Krita has a very friendly interface. In the settings menu, you can choose the color theme, dockers and toolbars you want to use, and customize the shortcuts. Save a docker's capable package as a workspace and swap between them. Canvas can be rotated very easily and also mirrored. OpenGL canvas is compatible with high bit depth displays. There's a huge bundle of options available to make the painting mode non-annoying.

Features of Krita Studio 4

  • Krita has a user-friendly interface. In the settings menu, you can choose the color theme, which toolbars and dockers you want to use, and edit keyboard shortcuts.
  • It is easy to create seamless textures and patterns now
  • A brush engine is more than just a typical brush pattern with settings changed. Each brush engine has its own logic and behavior.
  • Krita comes with many methods of selecting parts of your canvas in order to edit them.
  • Symmetry tools that go much further than basic mirroring. Take full control by being able to determine how many axis you need. Modify the origin center, angle, and smoothing parameters.
  • Filters can be used directly on a layer, or as filter masks or layers.
  • Krita has raster, vector, filter, programmatic, group, and file-backed layers. Each layer has settings for visibility, edit lock, transparency lock, and alpha locking
  • Vector layers support text, vector shapes and filters on vector shapes. Krita supports the following color models for creating and editing images: RGBA, Gray, CMYKA, Lab, YCbCr, XYZ in 8 bits integer, 16 bits integer, 16 bits floating point, 32 bits floating point. Krita always uses color management.

System Requirements for Krita Studio

  • Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 100 MB or more.
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