novaPDF Pro 11.6.345 Easily Create PDF files

novaPDF Pro 11.6.345

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  • Operating system:
  • Language: English
  • Version: 11.6.345
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  • License: Trial |   $29.99
  • Publisher: Softland
  • File size: 76 Mb
  • Download: 716

Download novaPDF Pro 11 for Windows - Enables you to convert any printable document to PDF format, including emails, MS Office documents, web pages, text


novaPDF Pro enables you to convert any printable document to PDF format, including emails, MS Office documents, web pages, text and anything else that can be printed. Using novaPDF, both individual users and businesses are able to create PDF documents and easily share them, making the process of collaboration more efficient. With just a few clicks you can have your company’s reports, contracts, workflows, agreements, marketing plans, spreadsheets, forms, products list, price list, charts, emails or other printable documents converted in PDF format.

This PDF creator can generate PDF files with embedded fonts. This means that your PDF files can be read and printed on any system without distributing your font separately, while maintaining the original intended design. Furthermore, novaPDF can embed only the characters used in that document, so that the size of the resulting PDF will be smaller.

novaPDF supports PDF Linearization. Also called fast web view, PDF linearization allows the creation of PDF files that can be easily viewed via the web browser. Instead of downloading the entire PDF file at once, the PDF will be "streamed" in the browser page-by-page.

You can personalize your documents by setting the document information (title, subject, author, keywords) and adding XMP Metadata info. This feature is useful also if you want to publish your PDF files on the Web, as search engines will index your PDF files and use the document information to display it in the results. novaPDF can create PDF/A compliant PDF files, thus is ideal for long-term archiving of documents.

novaPDF installs add-ins for Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio) which lets users create PDF files faster from Office applications. A major advantage of the add-ins is the conversion of hidden hyperlinks and easy conversion of bookmarks. Without having the add-ins installed, hidden hyperlinks cannot be recognized and converted.

Main features of novaPDF


  • Using novaPDF you convert to PDF any type of printable document (i.e. DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, PUBX, HTML, TXT,...), accessing its functionality through a printer driver interface.
  • If novaPDF is installed you can simply click the "Print" button from any document-related Windows app to have your PDF created. You can also use novaPDF's Getting Started interface.


  • novaPDF comes with add-ins for all Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio and Outlook. It allos one-click conversion to PDF from Office apps.
  • A major advantage of the add-ins is the conversion of hidden hyperlinks and easy conversion of bookmarks.


  • You can secure your PDF documents (256-bit AES encryption) by requiring recipients to enter a password in order to view, print or copy/paste content from the PDF.
  • You are able to control whether the PDF can be viewed, printed, modified, copied or annotated. Furthermore, you can apply digital signatures certify the authenticity of the PDF document.

System Requirements

  • It works perfect on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista (32/64-bits); Server 2019, 2016, 2012, 2008R2
  • Requirements: .NET Framework 4
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 500 MB or more.
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