Shades Tweaker 1.7 Optimize Windows operating system

Shades Tweaker 1.7

  • Evaluate:
    51 Rated
  • Operating system:
    Windows 11, 10
  • Language: English
  • Version: 1.7
  • Latest updated:
  • License: Freeware
  • Publisher: shadesofdeath
  • File size: 2 Mb
  • Download: 146

Download Shades Tweaker for Windows 11, 10 - A powerful tool designed to customize and optimize various settings on the Windows operating system


ShadesTweaker is a powerful tool designed to customize and optimize various settings on the Windows operating system. This tool empowers you to personalize your Windows experience and enhance its performance. Additionally, it provides the ability to manage Windows services, customize interface settings, and accelerate various system processes. With the preset feature, you can save your settings and restore them in one go.

Features of Shades Tweaker

  • Allows you to disable certain features of the respective operating system, such as Cortana, Search Indexing, excluding Bing from Windows Search, etc.
  • Eliminate redundant and telemetry services: You will be able to disable certain telemetry functions, such as Tracking and Diagnostic Data, Location History, App Telemetry, and more.
  • Cleanup can remove all unnecessary logs, temporary files and cached data from your system.
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